Say hello  to making word study a *shockingly* enjoyable time of the school day... 


with the Engaged Spelling Game Center Library, a game and activity for every word study concept you teach !

Engaged Spelling is for teachers like you who want robust literacy centers for spelling and language development without the stress of an endless search to find the best spelling activities!


Engaged Spelling is a lifetime-access game center library for spelling and word study. 

This library allows you to easily access and download the game centers you need. You will receive access to every word study game center I've created and all those I create in the future. 


→ The Library includes a partner game and independent activity for 236 word study concepts for a total of 472 games.

Teachers have requested an ALL-ACCESS PASS to my Word Study and Spelling Game Centers and that's exactly what this library is…and more! 

I designed Engaged Spelling to create a red-carpet experience for teachers who want to fully implement game centers in word study, literacy, or spelling. 

Engaged Spelling is organized in a manner that makes it easy to print what you need the way you need itRather than searching through zip files or PDFs to locate the games and activities for the concept you are trying to teach, you'll have clear guidance on how to quickly find what you need AND print with ease. 

The Engaged Spelling Library is organized to save you time and energy while giving your students the highest quality games and centers out there!

And not having what we need at our fingertips can make or break our best intentions...causing us to throw in the towel on this great teaching strategy all together.

Planning your game centers piece by piece and 

on a topic by topic basis is...


You KNOW that if you had the right games and activities at your fingertips, half the struggle 

of implementing game centers 

and teaching word study would be gone!  


All access to partner games and solo activities for 236 spelling and word study concepts...meaning that what your students need is at your fingertips during planning time.

Not having to figure out which pages of a 200 page document need cardstock, which ones need to go in your teacher binder, and which ones you'll need to make multiple copies of for your students. I've built *printing-with-ease* into the structure of the ES Library.

Access to word study games targeting skills that span from grades 1-6 for darn near the price of two mega bundles at your fingertips! You'll have resources to differentiate for all learners where they are now and as they grow!

If you are DONE trying to piece together your word study centers like a game of Jenga, 

DONE trudging up the ladder from Google to Pinterest to Teachers Pay Teachers looking for the perfect center game to complement this week's skill (for every spelling group you have) only to find yourself slipping back down the chute to "START OVER" by Friday,

EXHAUSTED trying to keep your students as driven with their independent centers as claw machine players trying to win a stuffed animal, 

 And DONE being the leader of SIMON SAYS while trying to lead word study small groups...("SIMON DIDN'T SAY THAT!" )... 

Then Engaged Spelling 

was created just for you!


"I used this resource to support a lesson from Words-Their-Way. After having my students complete the typical closed sort and providing direct instruction of the spelling pattern, I used this game as a way for the student to practice applying the vowel pattern to words outside of the sort. The resource was colorful and engaging. I am a repeat buyer of these resources that support Words Their Way lessons!"

 -Aubrey F.


Partner Games and Independent Activities 

>>> These games and activities are engaging, can be used in small groups, as partner games, or independently for students who need solo work. They require minimal materials once printed and prepped.

236 word study concepts for a total of 472 games and activities!

Time-saving Organization

>>> The Engaged Spelling Library is intentionally organized to maximize your planning time and reduce unnecessary time spent thumbing through pages and pages of activities (and writing down the pages you need to print on a sticky note ). 

I've stripped the PDFs down to the minimal pages needed to implement games and activities. No more trying to figure out which pages are for color printing or black and white and wracking your brain to print what you need. 

Check out your streamlined printing directions below .

The Tools You Need for Success

>>> You'll find recommended word study schedules, pre and post assessment lists, game organization labels for small group bins and game folders, compact pacing guides, and MORE!

PLUS, I've included my newest activity called Unlock the List that I've added as an incredible FREE BONUS for all members.

You can increase engagement in

word study and spelling 

AND save planning time !

Have an entire library of word study games 

and independent activities at your fingertips! 

The Engaged Spelling online library includes:


  • Game Folder Covers
  • Bin and Supply Labels, Pocket Folder Labels
  • Organization Tips
  • Word Study Expectations Chart


  • Table of Contents - Game Center Reference Guide
  • Word List Reference PDFs
  • Informal Assessment Word Lists - 3 Mini-Word Lists for Spelling Check-Ins and Tests Per Skill


  • a Partner Game 
  • an Independent Activity Game
  • Teacher Directions and Guide
  • Student-Facing Directions where needed
  • Student Recording Sheets
  • Answer Keys

Examples games include: matching, pattern sort boards, follow-the-path games, Connect 6, "Guess My Word", word-building games, games with spinners, picture boards, definitions, and fill-in-the-blank sentences-–enough variety to create spice but not so much that you are constantly teaching students how to play new games! 



  • Beginning Consonant Sounds (b, m, r, s, t, g, n, p, c, h, f, d, l, k , j, w, y, z, v)
  • Commonly Confused Consonant Sounds (b/p, t/d, v/f/ s/z, g/k, w/y)
  • Short Vowel CVC Word Families (at, an, ad, ap, ag, op, ot, og, et, eg, en, ug, ut, un, ip, ig, ill)
  • Beginning Digraphs (sh, ch, wh, th) 
  • Beginning Blends (st, sp, sk, sm, sc, sn, sw, pl, sl, bl, cr, cl, fr, fl, br, bl, gr, gl, br, bl, gr, gl, pr, dr, r, wh, qu, tw) 
  • Mixed Vowel Word Families (at/ot/it, an/in/un, ad/ed/ab/ob, ag/og/ig/ug/eg, ill/ell/all, ack/ick/ock/uck, ish/ash/ush)
  • Short Vowels in CVC Words
  • Preconsonantal Nasals (ng, mp, nt, nk, nd) 
  • Introduction to R-Controlled Vowels
  • Contractions (I, is, not)



  • Short and Long Vowels CVC and CVCe (a, e, i, o, u)
  • Common Long Vowel Patterns CVCe and CVVC 
  • Less Common Long Vowel Patterns (CVCe, CVVC, CVCC)
  • R-Controlled Vowel Patterns (ar, or, are/air, er/ear/eer, ir/ire, or/ore/ oar/our, ur/ure/ur-e, w+r-controlled vowels) 
  • Diphthongs and Ambiguous Vowel Patterns (oi/oy/o, oo, aw/au, wa/al/ough, ou/ow)
  • Silent Beginning Consonants (kn, wr, gn) and W Blends
  • Beginning Consonants (scr, str, spr, thr, shr, squ)
  • Ending Complex Consonants (-ce, -ve, -ze, -se, -dge, -ge, -tch, -ch) 
  • Homophones and Homographs 
  • Words starting with A/Be
  • Contractions (not, is, have, will)
  • Plural Endings, Three Sounds of Past-Tense, and Irregular Verbs



  • Inflected Endings -ING, -ED, -S, -ES 
  • Compound Words
  • Syllable Juncture Patterns (VCV, VCCV, VVCV, VCCV, VV)
  • Open and Closed Syllables
  • Long-Vowel Patterns in Accented Syllables (a, e, i, o, u)
  • Ambiguous Vowels (oy/oi, ou/ow, au/aw/al)
  • R-Controlled Vowel Patterns in Accented Syllables (w sound, er/ir/ur, ure/ear/ere)
  • Unaccented Syllables and Words Ending in le/el/il/al, er/or/ar, en/on/ain/in/an, en/on/ain/in/an, et/it/ate, y/ey/ie
  • Exploring Consonants in Multisyllabic Words (hard/soft g and c, k sound ck/ic/x, words with qu, silent consonants, gh/ph)
  • Prefixes re/un, dis/mis/pre, non/in/fore, uni/bi/tri
  • Suffixes y/ly, er/est, ness/full/less
  • Homophones and Homographs
  • Words with EI and IE



  • Suffixes er/est, y/ly, ment/less/ness
  • Prefixes uni/in/dis/mis, pre/fore/post/after/re
  • Derivational Suffixes ty/ity, ful/ous/ious, er/or/ian/ist, ary/ery/ory, al/ial/ic, en/ize/ify
  • the Suffix -ion (ion, ian, ation, cation, ition)
  • Spelling to Meaning Patterns with Vowel and Consonant Alternations
  • Latin Word Parts (dict/aud/vis, spect/port/form)
  • Greek Word Parts (phon/photo/graph/tele, therm/meter/geo/scope, logy/ology/bio)
  • the Suffix -ity, -ion, and Schwa
  • Latin Word Parts (tract, gress, rupt, mot, fract, flect/flex, ject, mis/mot, man, scrib/script, fac, struct, duc/duct, ver/vert, fer, intra/inter/intro, circum)
  • Suffixes -ent/ence, -ant/ance/ancy, -able/ible 
  • Plus Prefix Assimilation, More Greek and Latin Word Parts, and Miscellaneous Sorts


Unlock the List missing letters activity for each level (236 pages!)

236 word study and spelling concepts! See the full Scope and Sequence by clicking here!

I’m the creator of Tarheelstate Teacher and Engaged Spelling

 I have over 18 years of experience in education and have been creating resources for word study since 2012. I have a Masters in Curriculum and Instruction for K-12 Reading from NCSU. 

I know that setting up centers and games in the classroom can feel SUPER daunting... 

As teachers, we can agonize over the best organizational systems. Whether we have time to make the centers ourselves or search the internet for quality resources, in the back of our minds, we fear students won't respect center time and will make a mess of all of our hard work. 

That's why I'm excited to create and offer Engaged Spelling

My goal is to fast-track teachers to engaged word study success! You'll be set up for success, making sure your center time is spent with a sense of engagement and urgency. 

Why trust me? Planning word study has become one of my superpowers. Over the last few years, I've created activities to help students improve their word knowledge and spelling abilities in fun and engaging ways

I've obsessed over organization and thought through ways to make game centers a seamless part of the word study and spelling routine. 

I love helping other upper elementary teachers MAXIMIZE their word study schedules, making word study a *shockingly* enjoyable time of the day! 

With experience teaching 4th and 5th grade, I'm here to help upper elementary teachers create engaged spellers and have the productive hum of students working and learning in your own word study block!

 If you're ready to increase engagement in word study and spelling and create confident readers, writers, and speakers, do not miss this opportunity to join Engaged Spelling!

Refund Policy and Personal Pledge

Tarheelstate Teacher with Engaged Spelling offers a grace period of 7 days after the initial purchase of the Program. If you purchase Engaged Spelling and find that it is not a good fit, you may contact us for a full refund within 7 days of your initial purchase.

You have my personal pledge that the resources included in ES are of the highest quality and have been thoughtfully developed. I promise to overdeliver for the members of ES and any teacher who becomes a part of the Tarheelstate Teacher and Engaged Spelling community! 

Please ask all questions you need answered and only purchase if this is a HECK YES for you!

Join Below for one-time payment of  $159 or choose a payment plan.

  • Total payment
  • 1xEngaged Spelling Library$0

All prices in USD

Contact information

Billing address

Choose a pricing option

  • Preferred option
    One-time payment - $159.00$159.00
  • Preferred option
    Split pay (2x $79.50)2x $79.50

Payment information

You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!

Completing payment with PayPal



I have answers!

  • Who is Engaged Spelling For?
    Teachers ready for Engaged Spelling have dabbled in implementing differentiated word study and spelling routines and games enough to know that they are ready to go all in. 2nd-6th grade teachers will find games and activities that fit their students' needs. Engaged Spelling is also for teachers who want robust literacy centers for spelling and language development.
  • Why join?
    An ALL ACCESS pass to my word study and spelling games has been much requested. Joining the library at this highly discounted price allows for big savings--both in time and money. Teachers implementing hands-on games or centers, using the activities in small groups or for intervention just want to log in to a library of resources and find what they need...without having to constantly purchase again and again.
  • I’m not sure which grade-level I will teach next year. Will this still work for me?
    If you know that you will be somewhere in the span of grades 2-6, yes!
  • Is this a subscription? Will I need to pay again each year?
    NOPE! Engaged Spelling is a one-time fee library of game center resources for spelling and word study. Once you've paid in full, you own the program for personal, one teacher use. You'll have access to all updates and word study game center resources I create in the future. (If you choose a payment plan at check out, you'll be charged in the following months until the fee is paid in full.)
  • Which resources are ready now?
    I've created game and activity centers for all of the Letter Name-Alphabetic Spellers, Within Word Pattern, Syllables and Affixes Spellers, and most of Derivational Relations Spellers. 18 games related to more Greek and Latin Word Parts will be added by the end of July. You can see every game currently available in the membership here
  • How much am I saving by purchasing the Engaged Spelling Library versus TPT?
    If you were to purchase all of my word study games on Teachers Pay Teachers, you would spend $408. This is EVEN with the 50% discount I include on the mega bundles. The Engaged Spelling Library allows you to maximize your resources without worrying about which games you've purchased and which you have not.
  • Can I share my login with a friend or team member?
    The purchase price of Engaged Spelling grants access to 1 classroom teacher only. It is a violation of the terms to share login information to distribute the copyrighted materials from Engaged Spelling to non-members, including uploading resources to an online database or folder where other teachers have access. Sharing login information with other teachers will result in your account being deactivated. If your team would like to implement word study game centers, send me an email at to request multiple-license purchases. Include the number of logins you'd like to purchase.
  • How long will I have access to the resources and support?
    How does lifetime access sound?! Perfect to me! You'll have access to Engaged Spelling for as long as the library exists. In the future, if I decide to discontinue offering the resources as a library, you'll have plenty of time to download everything for your use.
  • May I use these resources on Outschool or other Commercial Platforms?
    No, you may not use these lessons or resource materials on any commercial platform such as Outschool. You hereby agree that any infringement of the Company’s intellectual property shall result in an immediate termination of the license granted hereunder. To be clear, if you violate the Company’s intellectual property rights, your access to the Program will be terminated immediately, and you shall not be entitled to a refund of any portion of the fees. If you suspect that the content or trademarks of Engaged Spelling are being misused, please contact us at
  • What is your refund policy?
    Tarheelstate Teacher with Engaged Spelling offers a grace period of 7 days after the initial purchase of the Program. If you purchase Engaged Spelling and find that it is not a good fit, you may contact us for a full refund within 7 days of your initial purchase.

    You have my personal pledge that the resources included in ES are of the highest quality and have been thoughtfully developed. I promise to overdeliver for the members of ES and any teacher who becomes a part of the Tarheelstate Teacher and Engaged Spelling community! 

    Please ask any and all questions and only purchase if this is a HECK YES for you!

you are a teacher, homeschooling parent, or interventionist who wants to implement games and hands-on activities into your word study and spelling routines.

You've likely dabbled in implementing a word study routine and you are ready to go all in with at least 1 center based activity for each word list or concept your students study. 

You may or may not be familiar with Words Their Way, but you are looking forward to implementing a word study program that is focused on letter sounds and patterns, pattern recognition, phonics, and spelling skills in a hands-on, developmentally appropriate and engaging way.

You are in charge of planning and cultivating resources for your own word study and spelling program.


You want resources that grow with your students at your fingertips.

You are ready to go beyond worksheets and word sorting…  

And, you have likely used word study games before and already know that you want to go ALL IN to implement word study game centers this year!

Welcome home!


you've never implemented centers before AND are looking for the EASIEST WAY to get started with a word study program. (If that's you, please email me and ask "What's the EASIEST way to GET STARTED with a word study routine?" I'll reply back with some resources!). 

 You have to follow a district pacing guide or textbook that is not based on teaching spelling patterns.

You are not currently interested in implementing differentiated word study instruction where you'll need access to multiple levels of word study word lists and activities. 

You "can't even" when it comes to preparing games and centers for your students (NO JUDGMENT HERE! Some years are like that!) 

You're not really concerned about student engagement during word study.

You're worried about having too much to print and not enough resources for printing.

You thrive in the hunt of the Pinterest, Google, Teachers Pay Teachers rabbit hole when trying to find quality word study resources. 


Letter Name Alphabetic-Spellers Games: 


$90 value/

$180 value when purchased individually

 Within Word Pattern Spellers Games


$88.50 value/ 

$177 value when purchased individually

 Syllables and Affixes Word Pattern Games


$87 value/

$174 value when purchased individually

 Derivational Relations Games and Activities 


$97.50 value/
$195 value when purchased individually

  Unlock the List Bonus Activity for Each Level

$24 value
  Lifetime access to library materials, curriculum, and all future upgrades!